Iddy Approved: Fourthcore Alphabet

A detailed review of Fourthcore Alphabet follows, but I believe my thoughts can be summarized effectively with a visual representation. First, look above at Iddy the Lich. He’s the mascot for my blog. He’s cute, he’s cuddly and you just want to pinch his cheek and squeeze him.

Now, take a look at Iddy the Lich after he spent a few hours reading through Fourthcore Alphabet.

"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

Good god almighty! Iddy has been forever changed!

I had previously commissioned the viciously-talented Cat Staggs to draw an image of Iddy the Lich, and I received the art just a few days ago. I’m scared of the image above! Many thanks to Cat for taking on the project, and as luck would have it, the image is a perfect representation for my review of Fouthcore Alphabet. The review below is structured by the questions a DM may ask before committing to the product.

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